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Here at Evangelical Church of Holy Trinity, we are driven by a single goal; to seek God and to follow his Word accordingly as He intended, not as the world intends. We also believe at directing others towards the Savior in the hopes that they will encounter the one true God and be transformed by His gracious love for them. 

We Believe 


One God who is absolutely holy and exists in three forms: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.  

The Bible is divinely inspired and a complete revelation of God to mankind.


Jesus Christ was pure God and pure man and He came to earth in the flesh and lived a

holy & sinless life.


Jesus died on the cross as a righteous man and redeemed mankind from the bondage of sin, guilt, and condemnation.


Jesus rose from the dead and interceding for us as the only Mediator between God and man.

The Holy Spirit is engaged in the work of salvation on earth.


The Holy Spirit convicts mankind of sin, revealing guilt to people, as well as pointing them to the righteousness of God and the coming judgment. 


 All people are born with a sinful nature and are spiritually dead and cut off from life and are

in need of salvation.


People have only one way to salvation and that is through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Anyone who repents of their sins and receives Christ by faith, confessing Him as their personal Savior and Lord, will be saved.


Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church which consists of all people from different nations and all its members are united by the Holy Spirit into one complete body.


The Church exists to spread the Kingdom of God through worship, through the process of sanctification and through preaching the gospel of salvation throughout the whole world.


We believe in the second coming of Jesus Christ, who will appear in person to judge mankind and establish His eternal kingdom of righteousness and peace.


The power of prayer breaks through every stronghold of the enemy, for nothing is impossible with God.


Our church congregation is made up of multilingual immigrants that have left the formal Soviet Union. The church was first formed in Clarendon Hills, Illinois in the year 2001. With the church growing, we moved to a new building in 2012. Thus making the Hickory Hills our home which is located 20 miles from Chicago. 

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